Thursday, December 17, 2009

A cowgirl turns 50

So here i am a 50 something women and i decide to finish college. The first thing i had to accomplish was pushing down the overwhelming fear that started in the pit of my gut and slowly made its way up. Perhaps i should tell the reader a little bit about myself so that the last statement has some relevance, other than the obvious.

I have, for the better part of my existence, worked with horses and cattle. Not a game for the weak of heart. I am the daughter and grand daughter of ranchers, dirt poor ones but ranchers non the less. Now when i was being raised there was a very defined line between men's work and women's work. I don't feel the need to elaborate most people will understand. The trouble with me, or so it was labeled, was i preferred cowboying to house work. Don't misunderstand i love to cook and never minded taking care of my family, i just never thought that was the end all be all of my life. I could out ride and out work most of the men in my family and loved every minute of it. To accomplish this i had no choice but to be tough. No girly whining would do. If you are going to ride with cowboys there are two things you never do. One is play the gender card and the other is play the age card, if you can not or will not do the work you best not be there because you are just in the way. The reason i tell you this is a simple one - i am not now nor ever have been afraid of the unknown. I love to take risks and never shy down from a thrill. So when the idea of continuing my education first formed, i was more then a little surprised by the fear that came with it.

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